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Snorkeling Loreto Bay

 loreto snorkel, snorkeling in loreto, loreto, snorkel
 loreto snorkel, snorkeling in loreto, loreto, snorkel

Snorkeling From The Shores Of Loreto Bay

You can see some really cool fish right outside the hotel. Tons and tons of fish. Be sure to bring your own snorkel gear! The water should be above 80 degrees between May and November.

Where Is The Great Snorkeling In Loreto Bay? 

To get to the best snorkeling in Loreto Bay, just head to Nopolo rock. It starts out pretty shallow and then around the point turns into a deeper shelf-wall (20 ft.).

Mornings are best to snorkel, since the wind is light or nonexistent. Just walk out until you are waist deep, put you snorkel gear and and go. As you make the turn around Nopolo rock, it becomes deeper. You can continue around the point, to the other side. In the afternoons the "other side" has a bit more waves/current so the visibility goes down.

Fish You May See When Snorkeling Loreto Bay 

There are so many fish right outside Nopolo and in Loreto Bay. You don't have to go far to see them. We have listed some of the fish that you may see snorkeling below. There are probably a ton of fish not listed here, but here are a couple dozen interesting ones. The photos of the fish are from Wikicommons and you can click on the pictures to see more information. The pictures are not taken from Loreto Bay, but are a fair representation of what they look like. Most of the fish live here year round.

Snorkeling Pictures From Loreto Bay

All pictures or videos you see here are actual pictures and videos of Loreto Bay snorkeling, right by Nopolo Rock, outside the Loreto Bay Golf & Resort. I have been fooled by seeing snorkeling videos online before and then I travel there, only to realize it was pictures and footage from the Great Barrier Reef or something like it. 

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